This is how you get the broom through your bookmarks

While surfing the Internet, you collect more and more bookmarks. Before you know it, you'll be left with a bunch of duplicate bookmarks, overlapping bookmark directories, and a ton of links to sites that no longer exist. You can manually check the collection of bookmarks, but Bookmarks Clean Up speeds up this job considerably.

Step 1: Installation

Since it is a Chrome extension, you must first go to the Chrome web store and search for it Bookmarks Clean Up. Then click on Add to Chrome and in the next step choose Add extension. After the extension is installed, the new button will appear in the toolbar. If you use Chrome with the same account on a mobile device, you can also make this extension available on this device by clicking Enable sync. The developer suggests backing up your bookmarks first, in case something goes wrong. If you don't know how to make such a backup, follow the steps via Show me instructions how to do it.

Step 2: Four actions

When you open Bookmarks Clean Up, four buttons will appear. The first searches for duplicate bookmarks, the second cleans up empty bookmark folders, the next merges duplicate bookmark folders, and the latter searches for web addresses that no longer work. When you click on one of those buttons, Bookmarks Clean Up springs into action. You will always receive a list with the results found. The broken bookmarks check shows all web addresses that return error codes, such as 403 and 404, and provides options to delete some or all.

Step 3: Result

Each time you can check the list of results and decide whether the extension should make an exception here and there. If this cleaner can go through it immediately with the coarse brush, you choose Select All. To delete them permanently, click on the trash can icon on the right. You can still change the settings of Bookmarks Clean Up via the gear in the top right corner. For example, you can exclude certain bookmark folders from checking. That way you can be sure that the contents of these folders remain untouched. You can also change the parameters to check for broken links, but if you're not exactly sure what you're doing, we recommend that you don't do this.

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