Should you buy a gaming PC or laptop?

Whether you want to enjoy a better gaming experience, a huge range of (affordable and free) games, or you want to be able to use your game monster for work or study, a good gaming PC should be more versatile than a console. But what should you pay attention to when purchasing it?Tip 01: Desktop or laptop?

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How to get the contents of CDs and DVDs on your iPad

I absolutely love that I can now buy movies and music digitally. But I also have a lot of old movies and music on DVD and CD that I would like to put on my iPad. Is that even possible?With the rapid development in the field of legal downloads, you would almost forget that you (probably) also have a large collection of movies and music in your closet.

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Create your own graphic design with Canva

A promotional invitation, a nice photo card or a striking Facebook cover. Do you sometimes wonder how the others do it all? A graphic artist makes it all by himself, but the majority use an online tool with beautiful templates to create creative visuals. Canvas, for example. That is a graphic design tool for non-designers.

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Here's how to make text bigger in Windows 10

If you're using a high-resolution screen in Windows 10, or older versions, the text on the screen may become very small. Here we explain how to make text larger. You can make the text displayed in the operating system and apps larger by selecting a lower screen resolution, but this is not recommended as this results in poorer picture quality and less screen space.

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Customize right mouse button menu

There are quite a few programs out there to remove items from your context menus. Tools to add new items are sparse. However, if you're a little familiar with Windows' registry editor, you can add your own context menu items pretty easily yourself. Before getting started with the registry, it is recommended that you make a backup of the registry keys.

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PC tip: Charge your iPad via USB anyway

It is of course fantastic that Apple's iPad is becoming more and more advanced, but that you have to pay for that with the fact that your USB port is no longer strong enough to charge the tablet, is of course a bit wry. Fortunately, that's a problem that's finally easy to fix on PC, with Asus Ai Charger.

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How to free up space on your SSD

Hard drives keep getting bigger, and yet they inevitably fill up sooner or later. That's all the more true if you're using a solid state drive (SSD) that's much faster, but also much more expensive, than the traditional mechanical hard drive. With these tricks you can free up space on your SSD.

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9 tips to buy the ideal power bank

Almost every smartphone user gets a little nervous when they only see 10% battery life or less on their screen. No power outlet nearby? Then a power bank is the ultimate resort. We explain what you should pay attention to when purchasing a power bank.Tip 01: Always welcomeA power bank is an external rechargeable battery.

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This is how you make a spectacular timelapse

Many films, series and documentaries contain a timelapse. A scene with an accelerated rendering of reality. Cars and planes race past. Even the starry sky spins dizzyingly fast over us. Did you know that you can easily create a timelapse yourself?01 Slow filmingIn short, a timelapse is a movie composed of photos taken at intervals of a few seconds or minutes.

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AutoSizer 1.71

Do you want to decide in which window size you open programs? You can easily arrange this via AutoSizer. With this tool you can accurately determine which dimensions you want to use. In addition, you also select the desired location on the screen.You probably always have certain programs open on your computer by default, for example a media player or email client.

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