On holiday? How to start a travel blog

Is there a special trip planned? Are you going to South Africa to spot the Big Five? Backpacking through Asia or Australia? Or are you going to do volunteer work in one or several countries in South America? You may be taking a lot of photos and thanks to a travel blog, you won't have to wait until you get home to show them to friends or relatives.

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Reinstalling Windows 10: What to watch out for?

Do you immediately start installing all kinds of software after a clean installation of Windows? It is better to check some parts first and perform some specific tasks. In this article you can read tips to keep in mind when you reinstall Windows 10.The 'classic' method for a clean installation is as follows: you download the installation media and put it on, for example, a USB stick of at least 8 GB, after which you start the installation from the stick.

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Create a database with Sodadb

To set up the administration of a drama club or to organize an ever-growing collection of comics, you need a digital management system. You can then use smart search functions to print lists, mailings and labels. Avoid that your administrative system ends up in a cluttered, dead-end street and use a database!

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These are the best cheap WiFi routers

The router is the center of your home network. Routers of 400 euros or more are no exception these days. You can also buy a router for less than 60 euros. But what do you actually get? We've tested the best cheap Wi-Fi routers to find out.For a top model WiFi router you sometimes pay 400 euros or more.

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Bowers & Wilkins PX5: premium finish with premium sound?

British audio manufacturer Bowers & Wilkins launched a new range of headphones a few months ago. The new line of ANC headphones came in the form of the PI3, PI4, PX5 and the PX7. In this review we discuss the on-ear model from the series, the PX5. How good are these premium headphones and how do they compare to the competition?

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Play flac in Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player supports mp3, wma and many other music formats. Music in flac files, widely represented on usenet and very popular because of the high quality, are not supported by default.Many people convert flacs to mp3 to play them, but thanks to madFlac that is no longer necessary. MadFlac allows you to play music in flac format directly with Windows Media Player.

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10 useful tips for Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word, it is on just about every resume when it comes to programs that people have experience with. Logical too, we can all put together a nice text document. However, there are also many handy tricks and shortcuts in Word that make working with the word processor a lot more efficient and make yours even more of a pro.

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Good sound on your PC

For most applications it is enough to play audio via the integrated audio chip on your motherboard. But what if you want to record your guitar, your vocals or another instrument, or play it well? We help you find the perfect audio interface.Tip 01: Audio InterfaceYour PC's motherboard normally contains an audio chip that translates your PC's digital sound into an analog signal for, for example, headphones or external PC speakers.

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What can you still do with airplane mode?

iOS has had the so-called airplane mode for years. Indeed primarily intended for use in a (flying) aircraft. What exactly does that function do?Not so long ago you were required to turn off your mobile or tablet on an airplane. When these devices became very widespread, this naturally led to complaints.

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Download Facebook Photos with Social Downloader

Facebook forgets (almost) nothing. The photos of 'that one party' can also crop up years later. We know this as a Facebook user, but there is a difference between 'knowing' and 'realising'. In this article you can read how easy it is to download photos. Handy, but also a bit scary.

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