Cut in YouTube videos with Tube Chop

You can easily share or add almost all videos on YouTube to a forum or your website. It becomes more difficult if you only want to share a part of a video. In this article you can read how to 'cut out' and share a fragment with Tube Chop.

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Step 1: Share to YouTube

It's easy to share a complete video from YouTube. You just need a link. Click below the video for which you want the link To share and copy the displayed link with Ctrl+C. Optionally, you can start the video at a different time than the start. Place a checkmark From and set a time (minutes:seconds). Paste the displayed link with Ctrl+V in an email or on a website. To record a video on your website, choose under the YouTube video for Share / Embed. You will receive an HTML code that you can use to integrate the video.

Step 2: Shorten

If you only want to share a fragment from a video, you can't do that via the standard options of YouTube. We use Tube Chop for this. Copy the link of the YouTube video as described in the previous step. Surf to, paste the link Enter a YouTube URL and click chop it. You can see the film and below a timeline. Drag the starting point to the desired clip and indicate where you want to end. Add any comments in the input field. Play your clip a few times until you have the desired crop. Satisfied? click on chop it.

Step 3: Share via Tube Chop

You will now get a YouTube-like playback window. To share the fragment via social media, you can choose the well-known icons under Share video. You can also copy the link from the address bar of your browser. Click on the web address and copy the link with Ctrl+C. To place the fragment on your website, Tube Chop shows its own integration code below Embed code.

People who watch your video will only see the clip on Tube Chop. By clicking on the well-known YouTube logo in the video, the entire fragment is played via YouTube.

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