15 tips for your smart thermostat

The smart thermostat is currently in the spotlight. Yet one smart thermostat is not the same. Get to know the differences in options, so that you can choose the best thermostat for you. We discuss the somewhat larger brands of smart thermostats.

01 Subscription Fee

When purchasing a smart thermostat, pay attention to whether you have to pay a subscription fee for its use. This is not the case with most smart thermostats, but sometimes it is via an energy company. For example, to use Eneco's Toon you pay 3.50 euros per month. For Anna from the Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij you pay 3.99 euros per month. This subscription does not apply if you purchase the Anna separately via the manufacturer. Later this year, Eneco's Toon will also be available to non-Eneco customers, whereby a monthly subscription remains necessary.

02 Get it for free?

You can get some smart thermostats considerably cheaper or even for free in combination with a (long-term) energy contract. Essent, for example, gives the Nest for free with a five-year contract, a discount with a three-year contract or their own E-thermostat for free with a three-year contract. Eneco gives a Toon for free with a four-year contract. The Anna of the Dutch Energy Company is even free, except for the subscription costs of 3.99 euros per month. You usually pay installation costs. You can also buy the Anna separately for 249 euros, without monthly subscription costs. The Nest is for sale separately for 219 euros.

03 Mobile apps

Almost everyone has a smartphone and we believe that an app is indispensable for what we call a smart thermostat. The app enables much of the smart functionality. You can set and control the temperature anywhere. The structure of the apps from different manufacturers is very similar. On the main screen, you'll see something similar to the physical thermostat on your wall that lets you control the temperature. In addition, you can usually view and adjust the clock program via the app. The app control has an important energy-saving component: you can turn the heating down when you've forgotten it.

04 Presence Detection

A big advantage of smart thermostats is the promise that your energy consumption will decrease. This saving must come from the fact that the heating is never turned on for nothing. This is partly because you can control the heating from anywhere via your smartphone, but most thermostats also detect whether you are at home. When you are not at home, the thermostat switches to an energy-efficient plugging program. Essent's E-thermostat, Nest and Anna contain a presence sensor. The Nest and Anna also go a step further and use presence detection to compose and adjust the clock program themselves.

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