How do I set the mouse speed?

By default, the mouse speed of your laptop or desktop is set to what is fine for the average user. If you work with large or small monitors, making the mouse speed faster or slower can improve your computing experience.

Adjust the pointer speed

Adjusting the speed of the mouse pointer speed in Windows 7 is easy via the Control Panel. click on Control Panel in the right column of the Start menu, and go through the shortest path in the search bar "Control Panel"search for"MouseClick on "mouse" and you will immediately enter the properties for mouse. The menu below will be presented to you; you can immediately adjust all settings here. In this how to we limit ourselves to the scroll wheel and the mouse speed.

Adjust the speed of the mouse by sliding the bar from slow to fast. You notice that the mouse speed changes immediately the moment you move the bar, which is handy because then you can immediately see whether you like the new setting. Press To apply and then the new setting is saved.

Adjust the scroll wheel speed

It works slightly differently for the scroll wheel: from the settings menu for the mouse you do not immediately see the effect of the number of lines you set. You only get a feeling for this if you open a web page or a Word document and scroll through it with your scroll wheel. You can then see if you want to change the default setting, or decide that you actually like it that way...

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