20 apps to learn

There is nothing more useful than apps that really teach you something. From learning a language or discovering the basics of programming to training your memory or learning odd jobs. We separate the wheat from the chaff and present you twenty apps that are really worthwhile.

1 Busuu (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

Italian, German, Japanese, Russian or Arabic? Via busuu you can learn twelve different languages. After a short test, the app knows at which level you can enter. The biggest asset of busuu is that the lessons are very short and that way you won't get bored. Every time you have to wait five minutes, you can practice some. The variety is also a plus: there are exercises for vocabulary, dialogue and grammar. And it contains quizzes with which you can test all the knowledge you have acquired.

2 Duolingo (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

One of the most popular apps for learning a language is undoubtedly Duolingo. The success of this app is the high game content. With Duolingo you can daily enrich your vocabulary, boost grammar or even practice your pronunciation in a pleasant and playful way. From English you can go to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish etc. The app continuously shows your progress and shows you how you can improve yourself. It's a bit addictive...

3 Mondly (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

A very big advantage of Mondly is that you can start from Dutch as the source language. Moreover, you have more than thirty languages ​​available. In addition to the most popular European languages, you can also learn Vietnamese, South African or Japanese. The exercises are enjoyable and varied. It is even possible to organize competitions with friends.

4 Quizlet (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

Are there some words you really can't remember? Thanks to Quizlet, you can create flashcards in no time at all so that you can practice at any lost moment: on the train, at the doctor's in the waiting room or during the lunch break. Thanks to the adaptive learning method, you start with the easy questions. Once you've mastered that, it gets a little more difficult each time. Also worth noting: it is also possible to download sets created by other Quizlet users.

5 Tandem (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

Tandem is a little less known, but worth mentioning. After all, you will be assigned a language buddy based on your own interests. Not virtually, but someone of flesh and blood. Maybe even someone on the other side of the world. Mind you, to find the ideal match, you need a few days of patience. Then you can send messages or even video chat.

6 Udacity (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

If you're looking for an app that bundles several online courses, Udacity has you covered. The focus is on STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The courses are varied: from HTML and CSS to machine learning, app development and user experience (UX). Each lesson is available in English. One advantage is that you can download content so that you can use it offline.

7 Grasshopper (Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

Do you want to learn to code in a playful way? Then you need Grasshopper. A plus is that you mainly have to experiment with Grasshopper. No boring theory, just get started. You will learn new javascript codes step by step. From the very first lesson. You start with 'fundamentals', then you move on to lessons 'animations' I and II. In addition, the app also looks very slick. Also handy: there are training schedules incorporated in the app. You choose whether you train daily, every other day or twice a week. Fun and even a little addictive.

8 Mimo: Learn to Code (iOS)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

When you first open Mimo, you need to specify what you want to learn: build an app, create a website, develop a game, or learn how to hack. The app then maps out an entire trajectory for you. The possibilities are very extensive; from Java and Ruby to Swift, C#, Python, CSS, etc. You immediately see how much time you need per lesson. Please note, some courses take several hours. Fortunately, they are always divided into bite-sized chunks.

9 SoloLearn (iOS + Android)

Price: Free (+ in-app purchases)

SoloLearn is also such an all-encompassing app. C++, SQL, PHP, Python 3, Java, ... you name it. Beginners can start with the basics, somewhat advanced ones can get started with the 'coding challenges'. There's even a code playground where you can test and comment on other users' creations. The amount of lessons is very extensive and that is a big plus.

10 Box Island (iOS + Android)

Price: iOS free, Android €0.59 (+ in-app purchases)

Do you also want to teach your children to program? Then Box Island is ideal. The educational app is suitable for boys and girls from 6 years old and available in three levels of difficulty. Your child learns to split commands into steps, recognize patterns and build loops. Moreover, the exercises stimulate logical thinking in a fun and playful way.

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