Camera not working on Windows 10? These are your options

Whether your laptop has a built-in webcam or your computer uses an external camera, with all that working from home, it's handy if everything just works. You may now be running into camera issues on your Windows 10 device, issues that you didn't have to deal with before. These are possible solutions.

Before we start troubleshooting, we would do well to check if the camera is seen for Windows 10. To do that, open start and type in the word Device Manager. In this list you will see the Camera heading. Double click on it. Is your webcam or external camera there? Great, then we don't have to install or update drivers.

Is your external camera not listed? Then remove it from your USB port and plug it in again. Check if the software is up to date, or uninstall and reinstall the software. If the problem persists, check if the camera works on another PC. If not, your camera may be broken. Internal hardware, such as webcams, are more difficult to control.

Check Windows 10 privacy settings

If your camera is simply recognized, your privacy settings can throw a spanner in the works. Open the Start menu and type in Privacy Settings. The settings for the camera will appear at the top, click on it. Under the heading Allow apps to access your camera, make sure the slider is to the right, blue, and On. Then you know for sure that apps with the right permissions can use the camera.

Below that you will find a list of programs that require the camera. Then think of Skype, Zoom and the Camera app. You can quickly indicate per app whether or not there is permission by setting the controls to On. Does the camera work in one app, but not the other? Then here lies your problem. After giving permission, you may have to restart the program.

Update camera drivers

If this doesn't solve the problem either, go back to Device Manager. Find the camera and press it with your right mouse button. Select the Update driver option to check for new updates. Choose the automated option. If there is an update, Windows will download it and install it automatically.

If there is no update, you can always check manually on the website of the manufacturer of your camera. The manufacturer will then explain how to update the drivers.

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