This is how you put Pokémon GO on your smartphone

The app is only officially available for download in a few countries, but Pokémon GO is already spreading around the world. With a trick you can already put the game on your smartphone or tablet. Here you can read how to do that.

Pokémon GO can now be downloaded via the official channels of the App Store and Google Play.

The interesting thing about Pokémon GO is that it is an augmented reality game. This means that a layer is placed over the real world via your smartphone, making it seem as if the Pokémon are just walking around in the wild. Or at the coffee machine. Also read: 7 things you need to know about Pokémon GO.

Download Pokemon GO on Android

Our colleagues from Power Unlimited have written a handy step-by-step plan on how to put Pokémon GO on your smartphone. For Android, the steps are simple: - on your Android device - go to this website and download the APK file. Install the file and you can start playing right away, as long as you have given your smartphone access to apps outside of Google Play to install.

Download Pokemon GO on iOS

In iOS it works a bit more cumbersome. In the App Store on your iPhone or iPad, go to the Featuredtab. Scroll down and go to Apple ID > Sign Out. Scroll down again and press the flag. Select the Australian flag. Then find any app and press To download. Apple will ask you to log in or create an account. Do the latter. Enter your details (make sure you use a valid email address from which you have the details). Make up an address in the Billing Address field (use 2000 as zip code) and activate your account via email. You can now download Pokémon GO from the Australian App Store.

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