Configuration tips Office 2010

If you are conscious of the installation and configuration of Office 2010, you will enjoy it for months or years to come. In this article we explain everything about how you can optimally set up Office 2010. Only the options for Outlook are not discussed, because they require a specific approach that we will discuss in a subsequent article.

01. 64 or 32 bit version?

Office 2010 is the first edition of Microsoft Office to have a 64-bit version. This version can be used on any PC with a 64-bit processor and a 64-bit version of Windows. If you also install a 64-bit version of Office, this provides extra speed and stability. On a powerful PC, Office 64 bit is unbeatably fast. But Office 32 bit is also faster than before, thanks to the support of multi-core processors. In addition, not all plug-ins are already available in a 64-bit version, even if you have previously purchased a 32-bit version of a plug-in and just want to keep using it. It will certainly not work in the 64-bit version of Office. So there are plenty of reasons not to choose the 64-bit version. If you install Office from a CD, the 32-bit version is selected by default. To install the 64-bit version anyway, open the installation disc in Windows Explorer. Then go to the folder x64 and double click setup.exe.

If you want the 64-bit version of Office 2010, you should consciously choose it during the installation.

02. Automatic installation

Office 2010 will install itself completely after you enter the installation key and confirm that you want a standard installation. This happens with all standard options, and that is not always recommended, especially if you have developed your own preferences after years of using Office or know that you will install other Office components later. In that case, choose To adjust.

If you have special wishes with an upgrade or installation, choose Customize.

03. Do not install parts

If you do not want to install certain parts of Office or if you know that a certain part is not installed by default, but you do want it on your PC, choose after To adjust in front of Installation options. Here you will find all parts of the Office suite listed, with a pull-down menu behind each part. By opening it, you can determine for each component whether you want to install it (Run from my computer) or not to install it (Not available). Other choices are "Installs on first use" which runs the first time the Office component starts up and "Run all components from my computer" which also places all subfunctions and components of a program directly on the PC . To see one of those items, click on the Plus sign for that particular program.

You can indicate which parts you want to install immediately.

04. Earlier Office Version

If the Office 2010 installation detects that there is an earlier version of the package on your computer, it will default to an upgrade. In doing so, you will lose all old programs and only get the new ones in return. You can use different versions of some parts of Office side by side on your computer. This can be useful if you still have templates, macros or add-ins that are not sure if and how they will work under the new Office version. In that case, choose To adjust and then indicate whether you choose Remove all previous versions or just for Keep all previous versions. Through Remove only the following applications you can designate individual parts of the pre-existing installation to replace them with 2010 versions. In all other cases, the new version is placed next to the old one so that you can use both.

Make this choice if you want to keep the previous versions of Excel and Word on your PC in addition to the new 2010 version.

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