Raspberry Pi 2 as Plex Media Server

If you have a media server with Plex, you can easily stream your downloaded movies and series to all your devices. The Raspberry Pi 2 is the perfect computer to install such a media server, because the mini computer is cheap and energy-efficient. In this article we explain how that works.

01 Install Raspbian

We assume that in the basic course on the Raspberry Pi 2 you have installed the operating system Raspbian with the help of NOOBS. If you have installed another operating system with NOOBS, such as OpenELEC, you can easily roll it back. Plug your Raspberry Pi's power supply into a wall outlet and immediately hold down the Shift key to reopen the installer. If there is no operating system on your Pi's microSD card yet, take a look at the basics course on how to install NOOBS and boot your Pi from it.

02 Locale

Log into your Pi (via PuTTY or a connected keyboard and display) and issue the command local -a in (a 'locale' is a set of definitions for settings in terms of language, country, time/date, currency, etc.). If you are not in the list en_US.utf8 you still have to create it. To do this, open the appropriate configuration file with the command sudo nano /etc/locale.gen, find the line with # en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 and remove the pound sign (#). Close the file with the key combination Ctrl+X, press J to save the changes and confirm with Enter. Then run the command sudo locale-gen off to recreate the locales.

03 Import GPG Key

User uglymagoo offers a package of Plex Media Server that runs on the Raspberry Pi 2. First, let's make sure we can download the Plex package via https. For that we update the package list with the command sudo apt-get update and install the correct package with sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https. Then we add the uglymagoo GPG key via the command: wget -O - //dev2day.de/pms/dev2day-pms.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -.

04 Install package

We now create a configuration file in which we add the uglymagoo repository (software source). To do that, open the new file with the command sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pms.list and add the line deb //dev2day.de/pms/ wheezy main up. Close the file with Ctrl+X, press J to save the changes and confirm with Enter. Update the package list again with sudo apt-get update, after which you can finally install Plex Media Server from uglymagoo's repository with the command sudo apt-get install plexmediaserver.

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