Manage your eBooks with Caliber

Every e-reader comes with software to manage e-books and transfer them to the e-reader, but that software is often of poor quality and not user-friendly. Many users therefore switch to Caliber. These tips will help you keep an overview of your e-book collection.

Install caliber

E-books are in many ways more convenient than traditional books. The ease with which you buy them also ensures that a collection can grow quickly. But because you don't have real books, management is more difficult. An e-book management program is needed and Caliber is one such program. Caliber is also free, open source and available for Linux, OS X and Windows. All versions can be downloaded from the Caliber website. Go to the website and click on the version that suits your system. click on Download caliber and choose To open or To carry out. Install Caliber with all the default choices.


After the installation, the configuration starts immediately. The installation wizard helps to configure the most important settings in a few steps. If the installation was still in English, the wizard has probably already discovered that Windows is Dutch and has adapted to it. If not, choose Choose your language in front of Dutch (NL) to use Caliber in Dutch. Select at empty folder where you want the Caliber library.

Note, this is where all the e-books will be, the ones on the e-reader plus everything that's in the virtual bookcase. So there must be enough free space, because even if one e-book is only a few hundred kilobytes in size, many e-books quickly make up a few hundred megabytes. If you want to have the library in a different place, click on Modify and select the desired location. Confirm via Select folder. In the third step you choose the make and model of your e-reader. If it is not listed, choose Generic. This completes the configuration, exit via Complete.

The first start

At the first start, there is one book in the library. This is the e-book of the English manual of Caliber. With this book, we start to get to know the interface of Caliber. Select the eBook by clicking on it. On the right, Caliber shows the cover and some basic information such as the author's name and the format of the eBook. On the left you see a whole series of tags or labels.

These are not characteristics of the e-book, but of all books in the library. At the top of the Caliber screen you will see the toolbar. It lists the main functions of Caliber, such as adding a book, editing metadata, converting books and much more. At the far right of the toolbar there is often an icon with a small double arrow. This means that even more functions are available: to see them, click on that icon. At the bottom of the window you will see the status bar of Caliber.


In addition to managing the e-book collection, Caliber can also synchronize books between the PC and the e-reader. This always starts with connecting the e-reader, usually with a USB cable. Confirm on the eReader that you trust the connection and want to connect to the PC or Mac. A little later you will see at the bottom of the status bar of Caliber that there is a connection with the e-reader. Caliber can display the books in the collection on the PC or Mac as well as those on the e-reader. You can switch between these two by clicking on the buttons Device or Library. By library, Caliber means the books on your PC or Mac. To transfer a book from Caliber to the e-reader, first click Library, select the book and then click Send to device. Is there an e-book on the e-reader that you also want in Caliber, click on Device, right click on the book and choose Add books to library. Even faster is to put the books to the buttons Device or Library to drag.

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