Make a playlist of YouTube videos

Often videos on YouTube are used as online music playlists. The YouTunes app makes it possible to put these music clips together in order to put together your favorite playlist.

Streaming music is of course already made possible by apps like Spotify. You can also stream music with YouTunes, only the input comes from YouTube. With an incredibly large file of online videos, YouTube is a source of information for video, but also for audio. YouTube makes optimal use of this audio.

Via the plus icon you can search in different ways, such as typing in a specific URL, the video identification number or a simple search. After the favorite videos are found and added, they are automatically listed. Simply clicking on an item will play it. Optionally, you can adjust the order of the list by long-pressing a number and then moving it.

YouTunes is a simple app with a clear navigation. In addition, it is practical that the app is not closed when the iPad or iPhone is in standby. Unfortunately, it is not possible to create multiple personalized playlists and the music cannot be played via AirPlay. This would be an added value for the future.

In short

With YouTunes you can easily create a playlist of YouTube videos. The search works well, and the playlist is created in no time. Unfortunately, multiple lists cannot be created and playback via Airplay is not possible, which hopefully will be added.

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