Use the eTwist app to turn on your heating

Autumn is slowly turning into winter and that means that the stove really has to be turned on by now. You may have a smart thermostat at home. That's handy, because it can help you heat the house before you get home and it offers the option of turning off the heating remotely when you're just on the way to work. This is how you turn on the heating with the Remeha smart thermostat eTwist app.

The eTwist is a wired clock thermostat without a touchscreen, which works with Remeha thermostats. It can be programmed via the free app that you can download on your smartphone. It's not a very slick smart thermostat like Nest, but the design is nice and the application is very easy to use. The device was last updated on October 9.

If you want to manually increase your heating, you can do this by opening the app. Your technician may have already installed it on your phone, but if not, you can download it from the app stores. You can then use the dial and the buttons on the thermostat in your house to get a QR code (Settings > add device), which you can then scan with your smartphone to make contact with your thermostat.

Turn up the heating with eTwist

When you open the app, you will see the temperature that the thermostat is now in large on the screen. You can press the black ball and drag it in a certain direction to manually set the thermostat to a different temperature. This will remain so, unless you have set a clock program. Clock programs ensure that the heating makes the house the desired temperature at set times. For example, if you know that you are not home on Monday and Tuesday from 8 to 6, you can leave the thermostat low at 15 to 17 degrees. If you always work at home on Wednesdays, you want that time that your house is heated.

With a clock program you can indicate exactly which time your house should be at which temperature. For example, according to your clock program, the temperature on Monday goes from 12 to 3 at 20 degrees and from 3 to 6 at 15 degrees. However, if you adjust the temperature manually at 2:30 (via the app or physically via the dial on the thermostat), the thermostat will still go back to 15 degrees at 3 o'clock, because the clock program then takes over again. Three different clock programs can be set, so that you can adjust the temperatures for autumn, winter and spring, for example.

Invite Remeha Installer

In addition to setting the heating, you can do even more with the eTwist app. For example, you can invite your installer with it, but you can also check the current status of your boiler and the boiler history. That means you can see exactly when a communication error has occurred or something has gone wrong with the flame signal. In any case, the app will send you a notification if there is something unusual with the boiler. You can also indicate a heating limit, with which you can set that the house may not be heated any higher than an x ​​number of degrees.

You can also gain insight into your energy consumption. There is even a breakdown of how much gas is used for heating and which for hot water, so that you get a better grip on when there is a lot of consumption. Is it because of too much bathing, or is the thermostat turned too hard? Especially now that energy is becoming more and more expensive, it can be useful to know exactly which times of the week the costs are higher. In addition, it also helps to see whether you can reduce this on the basis of an adjustment in the clock program. And otherwise you can always manually turn the real button in the house, or the virtual one on your phone.

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