Block keyloggers with Ghostpress

To our surprise, keyloggers in the US fall under the heading of "parental software", software to keep an eye on your children. In practice, the keylogger is a tool that hackers can use to retrieve vital data about you. Fortunately, there is an antidote for every poison and in this case it's Ghostpress.

key logger

It is a mean piece of software, such a keylogger. Basically it is a recorder that records every keystroke and even mouse movements. Such a keylogger, for example, ends up on your PC when you install software unsuspectingly. While you don't notice, that keylogger sends a log of every keystroke to a hacker. That way it's child's play to get your credit card details and passwords. Antivirus programs often detect keyloggers and disable them. The free Ghostpress works differently. It is an anti-keylogger, which simply prevents this type of malware from recording your keystrokes.

Tip 01: System Tray

With Ghostpress you are one step ahead of the keylogger, because this security software hides your keystrokes from others. It's a simple program that is quickly downloaded and that you don't even need to install. You can also use the lightweight program in a portable version from a USB stick. This allows you to take this software with you and have it work as a personal security guard on any PC you work with. You click on the program and it is immediately active. From now on you will find the Ghostpress ghost icon in the system tray. When you right-click on the icon, you have three options: Show Ghostpress, Deactivate connection and Close.

Keyloggers can no longer see and record your keystrokes

Tip 02: Protected

The big green button in the box Protection indicates that all security modules are active. Ghostpress will scramble or hide your keystrokes to prevent this malware from collecting your keystrokes. While you're at work, you won't be bothered by Ghostpress: the tool won't constantly bother you with warnings. This is also because the operation is very basic. For example, there is no function to scan your system for possible keylogger infection and Ghostpress cannot remove keyloggers either.

When you click the green button, you disable Ghostpress. On the left you will see three tabs: Protection, Options and About.

Tip 03: Options

The options are divided into four categories. In the first tab you set the language, let the tool start up together with Windows and make sure that the program checks for updates. In the tab Security do you arrange the Delay Protector which prevents a keylogger from identifying a user by his or her typical typing rhythm. In the same tab you can set this protection in standard or enhanced mode. In the enhanced protection, the random generator that distorts the typing rhythm will assume different start variables every time you reboot the system. In the standard mode, the random generator always works on the basis of the same starting values, which makes the distortion a little less erratic. Be sure to put the option hook-transfer to prevent keyloggers from passing Ghostpress. By the option Process protection By checking this box, you prevent attackers or keyloggers from disabling this protection themselves.

Tip 04: Widget

Ghostpress also has a widget for those who want to keep this protection constantly in view. In that case you activate via the Options in the tab widget the institution Turn on desktop widget. This will put the green button on the desktop. Check the option Highest then this widget will always appear above all other windows, allowing you to activate and deactivate this tool with one click. With the right mouse button you determine whether you want to see a small or large widget, or just the icon.

Tip 05: Animation

The option Animated in the tab widget causes a small animation of dots to appear in the button each time you press a key. As long as you see the dots, no keylogger can trace your typing.

If Ghostpress is a bit too overzealous and you should nevertheless find that this protection disrupts the operation of a certain program, you can run the program in the Whitelist record. Applications in this list will no longer protect Ghostpress.

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