Usenet Collector 1.1.45

SpotGrit, Spotnet and SpotLite all use the same database. The makers of Usenet Collector dared to set up their own database. Hopefully it will open the door to a more varied offer on Usenet. If you have found a nice spot with the program, simply download an nzb file from it with an external search engine.

In order to stay out of the hands of the BREIN foundation, Usenet Collector does not have a fixed download location. It therefore takes a while to find a suitable download location of the program. For this you can go to usenet. In addition, there are several websites that offer the installation file. You must run the program as an administrator. If not, you will only see an information screen. You cannot use this freeware without data from a news server. Usenet Collector connects to Usenet to retrieve database data.

Download spots

A plus is that the developers explain every step neatly, making everything very understandable. You set the desired retention yourself. In this way, the program saves spots that are not too old for the news server used. Unfortunately, we are unable to retrieve database data via an SSL connection. It worked fine with an unsecured connection. Details of a spot are visible after you double click on a title. Users may also leave a comment here. Usenet Collector itself does not offer a download function for nzb files, but uses external search engines for this. You are then free to download the files with a suitable download program, for example SABnzbd or GrabIt. Furthermore, an extensive search function is available and you can rate spots as favourites. Finally, you can easily adjust filters.

You need access to a news server to use Usenet Collector.

Few spotters

Usenet Collector is in itself a nice alternative to the well-known Spot variants. The program is very user-friendly. In addition, unlike Spotnet, there is no delay when you browse through the sections. Unfortunately, the community is not (yet) extensive enough to speak of a fully-fledged alternative. There are simply too few spotters. In addition, it lacks its own download function to compete with SpotGrit and Spotnet.

Unfortunately, there are still very few spots in the Usenet Collector database.

Usenet Collector 1.1.45


Language Dutch speaking

Download 1.73 MB

OS Windows XP/Vista/7

maker Unknown

Judgment 6/10


Very user-friendly

Dutch explanation


Few spotters

No fixed download location

SSL is not working properly

No download function


Pay attention: 1 of 43 virus scanners sees something suspicious in the installation file. But since it's only one, we suspect it's a false positive (i.e. a false positive). See the full detection report for more details.

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