Jailbreaking via Jailbreakme.com now possible

Comex has launched Jailbreakme.com. By surfing to the website you can jailbreak an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. The jailbreak is currently only available for iOS 4.3.3.

The jailbreak is suitable for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 3rd and 4th generation iPod touch, iPad and iPad 2. The website makes it very easy for users of these devices to jailbreak their device. This can be done by simply surfing to Jailbreakme.com and clicking the install button. This works in a similar way to downloading an app from the App Store.

In the video below, the iPhone Download Blog explains step by step how to install an iPhone with iOS 4.3.3. jailbreak with Jailbreakme.com.

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