Parallels Access: Control your computer with an iPad

If you want to have access to the same powerful programs on your iPad as on your computer, you can use a remote desktop app. These apps project the image from your computer onto the screen of your iPad. The downside to this, however, is that the size of the screen on your iPad often varies

Parallels Access is a remote desktop app for the iPad. Unlike many other remote desktop apps, Parallels Access ensures that the user experience of computer applications on the iPad is optimal. The app does this by temporarily reducing the screen resolution of your computer to the same resolution as that of the iPad. This allows all programs on your PC or Mac to be placed exactly on the screen of your iPad. Personally, I found the effect of this very surprising. For example, programs such as Photoshop or Safari suddenly feel very familiar on an iPad.

Besides the advantage that applications run better at the adjusted resolution, this lower resolution has another advantage, which is speed. Because fewer pixels have to be sent over the network, using a computer on your iPad also works much smoother than with comparable apps. The presence of easily accessible functions of your computer also contributes to this. For example, you can use the right mouse button by touching the screen of your iPad with two fingers.

Anyone who wants to get started with Parallels Access will have to install an app on both their computer and iPad. The computer application is available for Windows and Mac OS X. This application makes setting up a connection to Parallels Access a breeze and automatically adjusts your computer's screen settings. The only major drawback to the app is unfortunately the price. For example, you can try the app for free for 14 days, after which you can take out a subscription for just under seventy euros per year.

In short

Parallels Access is a remote desktop app for the iPad. This makes it possible to project the image from a PC or Mac onto the screen of your iPad. What makes the app unique is that it adapts the screen resolution of your computer to that of your iPad. This makes the operation of applications much simpler and smoother. The only major downside to the app, unfortunately, is the price.

Rating 9/10

Price: Free (subscription required after 14 days)

Available for: iPad, Windows, Mac

Download Parallels Access on the App Store

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