Update all your software with Patch My PC

The more programs you have installed, the more work it is to keep all that software up to date. There is a good chance that you will not do that, when it is just so important. Fortunately, there is a simple method.

If you have a position in which you have a lot of responsibilities, then you don't micro-manage yourself, you just hire an assistant for that. Why would it be any different with software? Patch My Pc is the perfect assistant for keeping all your software up-to-date and it's completely free too. You can download the program from www.patchmypc.net/download.

Working with Patch My PC

You don't even have to install the program, as soon as you click on the .exe file, it will start. And then you probably immediately see something that you don't like, namely a large number of red values. And red (as always) means no good. In other words, in this case it means that it is outdated software. Fortunately, you can update these programs very easily.

They are already selected automatically, all you have to do is click on the option at the bottom right Perform X Updates, where X represents the number of updates available. You can do this operation automatically, for example once a week. However, you can also choose to let the program automatically update your software. You do this by indicating in the Schedule tab how often the scan should be performed. In the Options tab you can optionally indicate which programs should not be updated (for example, if you fear that the latest versions of Flash are not stable).

Anyway, this program will save you a lot of time and keep your computer a lot safer.

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