Bluetooth tracking: how does it work and what's in it for you?

With bluetooth tracking it is possible to find things that you have lost, but of course only if you have put in or attached a tracker. But how does it work?

For Bluetooth tracking you need two things: a tracker and a smartphone. You hang the tracker on the product you don't want to lose and it is constantly connected to your smartphone. You must always have the bluetooth and location functions on on your smartphone. If both devices are connected, you can find the tracker on a map or you can hear a loud sound when you activate it. But of course they have to be close to each other.

Maximum Distance Bluetooth

Although bluetooth tracking has its advantages compared to GPS tracking, the biggest disadvantage is that the distance is limited. Usually you can track stuff up to ten meters away from your smartphone. If the product is outside those ten meters, the connection will be lost. Then you can still use the application with which the accessory works. You can often see in it what the last place was where the bluetooth tracker you are looking for was.

In some cases it is even possible that you have other people nearby help you with the search. When they have the same application on their phone and they walk past your lost tracker, you will receive a notification and you know where it is. In this specific case you are dependent on the people who have the same tracker application on their phone, but it can offer solace if you have lost something outside.

Bluetooth 4.2 or 5.0

Before you start with bluetooth tracking, it is useful that you are aware of a number of things. So you can look at the bluetooth version. Most trackers have bluetooth 4.2 on board, but some also have version 5.0. In addition, some trackers do not have replaceable batteries and you have to buy a new tracker after six to twelve months (depending on the model). But sometimes you can also replace the battery in the accessory.

Then the question is whether you want a waterproof bluetooth tracker or not. If they're waterproof, you usually can't replace the battery – so it's a good idea to read up on battery life. If you get one with an alarm on board, so that you can activate it while searching, check in advance how loud the sound can go. Well-known brands that make bluetooth trackers include Tile and Chipolo, but there are also plenty of unknown and cheaper brands.

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