The 15 Best Extensions for Google Chrome

Google Chrome remembers your settings and favorite websites on all your computers. The browser also updates itself automatically in the background. We now focus on another spearhead: the many extensions with which you can completely customize the browser. We list the 15 best extensions.

Install Chrome Extensions

All extensions for Google Chrome can be found here. Enter the name of the extension as a search query and click Free / Add.

After installation, most extensions show an icon of themselves in the top right of the screen. Right click for any additional settings. Some extensions (still) show an icon in the address bar where you enter searches or enter web addresses.

The space in Google Chrome for the icons of extensions is limited (just like in your system tray at the bottom right of the screen). You can stretch the available space by moving your mouse cursor to the far right of the address bar until it turns into a double arrow. Now click with the left mouse button to expand the space and display (more) extension icons.

Increase or decrease the space for the extension icons.

Tip 01: Save my Tabs

If you have a lot of tabs open, it's hard to just walk away from your computer or shut down the device. Thanks to Save my Tabs this is possible. Click on the extension and save all your tabs at once with Save. Save my Tabs saves all open tabs as bookmarks. If necessary, create a separate folder first, for example with today's date.

Tip 01 Save my Tabs saves all open tabs as bookmarks, possibly in their own folder.

Tip 02: My Permissions

Most people use multiple social networks and cloud services, linked or not. Think of Gmail, Hotmail, Dropbox, SkyDrive, Facebook and LinkedIn. If you link services, you must give permission for this. This often happens so quickly that after a while you no longer have any idea what 'hangs' together. The My Permissions Cleaner extension supports all known cloud services and social media. My Permissions Cleaner provides insight into your issued permissions and warns you if something changes here.

Tip 02 My Permissions Cleaner supports all social networks and cloud services, and keeps a close eye on your permissions.

Tip 03: AdBlock

Advertising and the Internet are inextricably linked. On many websites you will be bombarded with banners, text advertisements and other advertisements (personalized or not). Thanks to AdBlock you can get rid of it in one go! The extension blocks (almost) everything automatically. Websites look clear again thanks to AdBlock. You hardly need to set anything. In the options of AdBlock you can determine and update filters.

You decide whether AdBlock should block everything that has to do with advertising or whether you don't mind textual advertisements. If you use AdBlock for a few weeks and then disable it, you will notice just how much junk was being held back. Websites seem much busier and less clear. Fortunately, you can quickly enable AdBlock again!

Tip 03 AdBlock blocks everything that has to do with advertisements in your search engine and on websites.

Tip 04: Gmelius

Do you use Gmail and are you a fanatic mailer? Then you need Gmelius! The extension allows you to customize Gmail to your needs. With Gmelius you disable parts that you do not want to see, for example advertisements, the chat module and the calendar.

You can also activate options, for example icons for attachments, line marking and more. You can also get the old Gmail layout back for composing a new email. Some adjustments are very subtle, but all are well thought out! Experiment with Gmelius for best results.

Tip 04 Thanks to Gmelius, you decide how you want Gmail to function and look.

Google Chrome

Don't have Google Chrome yet? Download and install the browser. To make optimal use of the browser, you need a Google account. If you have a Gmail address, this is also your Google account. You can also create a Google account with your existing email address.

All the extensions discussed run completely in Google Chrome. The browser is available for all operating systems. Since the extensions only require Google Chrome, you can get started on any type of computer: Linux, Windows or Mac.

No Google Chrome yet? Install the browser on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.

Tip 05: Reporting

Rapportive is an information tool for Gmail. The extension shows information about the person you are emailing on the right side of your screen. The data does not only come from your personal address book, but also live from social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

You will usually immediately see a profile picture and sometimes even phone number, recent tweets and more. Rapportive is useful when you email colleagues, friends, strangers and people with whom you do or will do business.

Tip 05 Rapportive provides extensive information in Gmail about people, including via Facebook and LinkedIn.

Tip 06: Black Menu

Popular web services are expanding and gaining more features and settings. You can quickly lose the overview. Black Menu for Google responds cleverly to this and manages to make all Google services accessible behind one icon. The most popular components such as Gmail, Maps, Drive and Calendar appear directly on the screen. Move your mouse over the apps/features for more options and settings and the correct item will quickly open in your browser.

Tip 06 Black Menu for Google provides an overview of all Google services.

Tip 07: Ghostery

Websites and especially advertising networks do everything they can to create a profile of you. This profile is created unnoticed through advertising networks that are active on almost all websites that you visit. Cleaning cookies does not offer a solution to counteract the tracking systems.

Ghostery blocks tracking systems and shows in a subtle pop-up which attempts have been stopped. In the settings of Ghostery you need to: Blocking options indicate which filters you want to use.

Some websites won't work if you set Ghostery too tight. In this case you can whitelist the website via the Ghostery icon.

Tip 07 Ghostery specializes in blocking tracking networks that map you and your surfing behaviour.

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