Install new fonts

Windows has a large amount of fonts on board, and it is easy to add new fonts yourself. In this 123 you can read where to find fonts, how to install them and how to keep an overview.

1. What do I have?

The fonts already installed on your computer can be found in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder. You can browse this list, but it's easier to use a program like FastFontPreview. With this you can type a piece of text yourself and optionally set the color. Then FastFontPreview displays your text in all the fonts installed on your computer. By default, FastFontPreview searches the Windows font folder that contains all installed fonts. You can simply browse to another folder to get a preview of fonts you may want to install.

FastFontPreview shows a preview of all installed fonts.

2. New Fonts

Some fonts are "protected" and only available for a fee. However, most fonts, or their derivatives, can be found for free on the Internet. If you know the name of a desired font, you can use a Google search to find the font. Good keywords are TTF (TrueType font), free font, or free fonts. You can also visit font libraries, such as Myfont. If you don't feel like browsing for a long time, take a look at the top 100 of the site mentioned, for a quick overview of the most popular fonts. Downloading and installing fonts is easy. Usually a font file is packed in a zip archive. Download this archive and extract the contents. Right click on the font file, e.g. journal.ttf, and choose to install. The font is then immediately usable in all Windows programs.

New fonts can be found in online font archives, such as

3. Delete Fonts

There are several theories about the possible consequences of having too many fonts installed on your computer. It is sometimes claimed that your computer slows down, but we have never noticed this on an average computer. It is true that a long font list does not benefit the overview, and it makes it difficult to find a suitable font. You can delete fonts manually, by changing the folder C:\Windows\Fonts to open. Select the font you want to delete from your collection and press the del-key. If your font collection has really gotten out of hand, Font Frenzy offers a drastic solution. With the button Defrenzy move all fonts that are not present by default in Windows. They end up in a separate folder and you can then search the contents with, for example, FastFontPreview, after which you can reinstall the desired fonts. Font Frenzy is a good tool to restore order, but it is not suitable for beginners. Never delete fonts that you don't know what program or purpose they might be using. Font Frenzy only works under Vista and XP according to the maker of this software.

Font Frenzy removes all fonts you installed from your font collection and places them in a separate folder.

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