This is how you let Android apps close automatically

It is of course wonderful to listen to some music in bed. But it is very annoying if you fall asleep and wake up at 3 am because your smartphone is still playing. Fortunately, there is a cure for that: Super Simple Sleep timer for Android.

Install Super Simple Sleep Timer

The operation of this app is actually very simple. A music app does not automatically close automatically, because you should be able to listen to music without having to keep the app active every time. But of course such an app cannot register when you have fallen asleep (although that would be possible with the sensors in modern smartphones). The Super Simple Sleep Timer app is therefore simply an app capable of closing another app.

Such an app is not possible on iOS, for example, because apps there do not have rights to close each other, but in Android you are largely in charge of who has which rights about what. You download the Super Simple Sleep Timer from the Google Play Store. An otherwise nice (and very probably unintentional) detail is that the abbreviation of the app is SSST, and that fits perfectly with the app itself.

With the free app SSST you can close apps based on a timer.

Using Super Simple Sleep Timer

When you have installed SSST and start the app, you will immediately see an overview of the timers that have been set (none of course in the beginning). Under the heading Choose an app you would like to sleep after a set period, see you standing all. If you leave this setting, all apps will be closed when the timer is over. If you want to be a little more specific, press all and then select the app you want to close.

Then you drag the handle in the circle to set the length of the timer, for example 45 minutes (60 minutes is the maximum). Then press Set sleep timer, and the timer will start running automatically. Once it's over, the selected app (or apps) will close and you won't be woken up in the middle of the night by music that keeps playing.

Choose the app you want to close and set a time. The rest will come naturally.

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