This is how you switch between two Instagram accounts

A lot of people have multiple Instagram accounts. One personal and one for their company or association, for example. Do you also want to create a second Instagram account? We explain how to do this step by step.

Step 1: Create an account

To create a second account, open the Instagram app on your smartphone. Then go to your profile by tapping your photo in the bottom right corner. Your account name is centrally located at the top. Press and choose for Add Account. To create a brand new account, tap at the bottom Register. Then you continue on Register with phone number or email address to push. Follow the instructions on the screen: enter your email address, enter an account name and choose a password. Do you also use Facebook? Then you can possibly link your Instagram account to Facebook to quickly score some followers. Finally, you can also add a profile picture to your new account. complete with Finished.

Step 2: Share account

Do you want to manage one Instagram account with several people? Then one person follows step 1 and creates an account with a joint e-mail address. The person then shares the email address and password used with the other administrators. They can then log in to their device with that information.

Step 3: Switching

The most important thing to know if you have two Instagram accounts? How to switch from one account to another. Fortunately, this is very simple: you click on your profile picture at the bottom right and then on the current account name at the top left. You will then receive an overview of the accounts with which you can log in. Choose one from the list to continue. Do you stop using a certain account after a while? Then you can unsubscribe by first switching to the relevant account, tapping the three dots in the top right corner and at the bottom of the list for Sign out with account name to choose. Confirm with Sign out.

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