DriverAgent 2.2010.1.5

Hardware manufacturers regularly release improved versions of drivers. This usually fixes issues and optimizes performance. For a stable system it is wise to always use the latest drivers. However, it takes an awful lot of time to manually check everything on the websites of hardware manufacturers. The solution for this is the DriverAgent program.

Unfortunately, Windows Update does not always ensure that your computer is up-to-date with the latest drivers for, for example, your monitor, processor, graphics card, network adapter, printer, hard disk, mouse, keyboard and internal memory. It simply does not detect all updates for your hardware. Fortunately, with DriverAgent you can quickly check whether you need to update your PC. Once you have downloaded the exe file from the website, open the program directly. No installation is required. The DriverAgent scan module then checks for new versions of drivers for the components. In its own words, the software draws on a database of more than twelve million drivers. On average, 5,000 new or improved drivers are released by developers every day. The strength of DriverAgent is that it quickly grabs all updates from the Internet and links the correct versions from a huge amount of drivers to the different hardware components of your system.

DriverAgent's scanning module is very fast.

At the end of the scan, an overview of all hardware components will appear on a web page. The red crosses indicate which components you need to update. DriverAgent does its job very well, detecting seven outdated drivers on our new Windows 7 test machine. On our XP computer, the program managed to find no fewer than 26 new updates. You now know exactly for which components new drivers are available, allowing you to surf specifically to the correct manufacturer's web page. Then you download the updates manually. It is true that DriverAgent contains links to directly download the new drivers, but then you will be taken to a payment page. Unfortunately, if you want to use the download links in DriverAgent, you will have to pay $29.95 for a one-year license.

You can see exactly for which hardware components new drivers are available.

DriverAgent 2.2010.1.5

Price Scan is free, using download links costs $29.95 per year

Language English

Medium 559KB download

OS Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7

System requirements Unknown

maker Phoenix Technologies LTD.

Judgment 7/10


No installation required

Fast scan module

Large database


Not Dutch speaking

Direct download link only works in paid version

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