How to record Skype calls in Windows

Sometimes it is useful to be able to record a Skype conversation. For example, when you interview someone, or when you have a meeting via Skype. Here we show you how to easily record a Skype conversation.

Skype does not have a standard call recording feature. But there are times when it can be very useful to be able to record a conversation, so that you can share it with others or refer to it yourself afterwards. Fortunately, there are third-party programs that you can use to record video and audio in Skype.

Not everyone likes to be recorded. Therefore, always ask for permission in advance and clearly indicate whether you only want to record audio or also video.

Skype recommendations

Skype itself offers a list of alternative programs and plug-ins on the website with which you can record conversations. In any case, make sure to download the desktop version of Skype instead of the app from the Windows Store, as not all programs and plug-ins work with that version.

Free Video Call Recorder

We especially like Free Video Call Recorder from DVDVideoSoft, because it is a free and very simple program that works well under Windows 10 and offers many different possibilities.

For example, you can choose picture-in-picture (record audio and video from both sides), record only video from the other side, or record only audio from both sides. Video is saved as .mp4 and audio as .mp3 so you can use it for all kinds of purposes later. For example, you can easily upload .mp4 files to YouTube, and .mp3 files can be opened in an audio editing program to, for example, remove noise or cut out certain pieces of audio.

You can also pause recording during the call. This is useful when you or your conversation partner have to go to the toilet or if you want to discuss something in between that should not be recorded, so that you do not necessarily have to edit the audio or video afterwards.

Using Free Video Call Recorder

The program does not contain any ads or spyware, but once you have downloaded the software you should pay attention when installing that your default browser is not modified.

To use the recording software, make sure that Skype is not open. When you open Free Video Call Recorder, Skype is opened immediately.

Skype will work as normal, but you will also be presented with a Free Video Call Recorder window where you can start recording.

You can choose whether you want to record only your conversation partner or also your side of the conversation. You can also choose whether you want to save only audio or also video.

The resulting files are saved in the Videos folder in your user folder, but you can choose any folder you want by pressing Browse and select a folder. To access your saved recordings directly, all you have to do is click Show in folder to click.

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