This is how you make a diary with 1 Second Everyday

Do you want to cherish the most beautiful moments in your life forever? Then don't just make videos on special occasions, but save a short moment every day. Thanks to 1 Second Everyday, this is very simple and fast.

Install app

1 Second Everyday is available for both Android and iOS from the app stores. As soon as you open 1 Second Everyday for the first time, you need to create an account. Tap on Create Account and then choose Not Today to get started with the simplified version. To create an account, you can sign in with your email address or Google account. After you have read and approved the terms and conditions, you must grant the app access to your camera, microphone, photos and location, with location access being optional. Continue with Let's go.

shooting movie

After the short introduction you can get started. To make a video clip, tap the red button with the camera at the bottom left. After you've taken the shot, you'll need to trim it so that it lasts exactly one second. In the bar you can slide the fragment to the desired position. To rotate a video clip, you need the button at the top left. Once you're done, tap the green button with the scissors in the top right corner. Your clip will then appear as a thumbnail on the current day in the calendar.


Do you also want to add short video clips from the previous days of the week or month? Then simply tap the desired date in the calendar overview. With the button Add Snippet you are immediately led to the videos you made that day with your smartphone. One tap is enough to possibly add a caption or feeling.

Share video

Do you already have a lot of beautiful clips after a week or month? Then tap the playbutton in the lower right corner. You get an overview of the number of snippets in your timeline. Continue with Continue. 1 Second Everyday now generates a clip of all your short video fragments. Tap on Save to save it. A little later you can do it with the ShareShare button via message, Instagram or other social networking services.

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