VideoCacheView - Video from memory

Cache is a repository where data is temporarily stored to allow faster access to this data. For example, the cache memory of your browser, which makes surfing the internet considerably faster. Conveniently, you can also pick valuable items from your cache, such as videos. VideoCacheView does this.



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Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Website 6 Score 60

  • Pros
  • All cached videos are found
  • Play directly from the cache
  • Negatives
  • Video titles are indecipherable
  • No thumbnails
  • No built-in video player

When you watch videos, they are basically downloaded in the background as you watch them. That's why a video often doesn't buffer when you watch it a second time. You can use that information very handy, because the downloaded video can then also be played offline. You just need a program for that.

Scan cache

VideoCacheView is a program with a name that covers it pretty well. When you start the program, it will scan the cache of all browsers you have installed, looking for video files. Next, the tool will indicate whether the video files are cached and playable. It is important to install a video player that is slightly more flexible than Windows Media Player, because most files cannot be played with it. We therefore recommend VLC Player in this case.


The good thing about this program is that it absolutely does what it promises. It scans the cache of your browsers and shows you all the videos that have been played. Therein lies the immediate problem: it really shows all videos and none of those videos has a name that can be deciphered. In short, if you have watched a hundred YouTube videos, then there are not only a hundred videos, but also all the advertisements that go with them. And all of them have incomprehensible titles. Based on the URL you can somewhat decipher where the video comes from, but which video it is, that is a matter of clicking on it.


VideoCacheView definitely does what it does, but it's not a program you'll use every day to scroll through your cached videos. It would be nice if the program worked with thumbnails, to find videos faster.

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