Remove duplicate iCloud contacts

Linking multiple services on your iPhone or iPad can sometimes lead to a list with duplicate contacts (for example after importing Facebook). That is not so easy to fix on the device itself, but fortunately there is another way.

For a long time, it was not clear to many people that iCloud, in addition to being a useful service, is also a website where you can manage everything. The reason this isn't known is that you don't get to see this site when you surf to iCloud on your mobile device. Only when you visit on a desktop or laptop can you see and log in to the full site, which is exactly what you need to fix this problem.

iCloud has more options than you think.

Remove Duplicate Contacts

To remove duplicate contacts (or unwanted contacts), visit and sign in with the Apple ID associated with the device you want to remove contacts from.

Then click Contacts. You will now see a large version of the address book, which is identical to the address book on your iDevice. Here too, deleting does not seem that efficient, because you first have to click on a contact, open it and then delete it. Fortunately, it can also be done faster here.

Keep the Ctrl key and click the contacts you want to delete. Then you will see an icon with a gear in the bottom left. Click on this icon and then the option Delete. You will still be asked for confirmation, but after that you will be rid of the duplicate contacts. That easily saves you an hour or two compared to doing it on the iPhone.

You can easily duplicate your contacts via the site.

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