Adobe Photoshop Fix is ​​Photoshop in your pocket

It hasn't been a secret for iOS users for over a year, but Android fans have been waiting for it for a long time: a decent Photoshop mobile app. Now it's finally here: Adobe is releasing an Android version of Photoshop Fix, a light version of the desktop version.

Let's start with the bad news: Photoshop Fix isn't a real replacement for the PC version of Photoshop, of course. The quality is less, RAW files are not supported and the possibilities are a lot more limited than with the big brother. Also read: You can edit all your photos for free with these 20 photo programs.

That said, Photoshop Fix is ​​definitely a good attempt at bringing Photoshop to Android. Adobe succeeds in translating frequently used functions to your smartphone or tablet in a nice and logical way, and that is worth kudos. The possibilities may be a lot smaller than with the PC version, but that doesn't mean you can't create masterpieces with Photoshop Fix.

Crop in Photoshop Fix

When a photo opens within Photoshop Fix, you'll see a row of options at the bottom of your screen, as you're used to from other editing apps. The first option is cut out. You won't find anything innovative there: almost every (free) app in Google Play offers this option, and although you do have slightly more extensive options - you can rotate, mirror and choose a crop in different standard sizes - it doesn't really come under the heading ' progressive'.


It gets more fun with the next tab, Correct. Here you get the possibility to adjust the exposure and degree of contrast. You can also adjust shadows and other details here.

It all works pretty simple: you slide the bars to the left or to the right, depending on the idea you have for the photo. Do you want a dramatic color bomb that breathes autumn or a calm and atmospheric 60s picture? Can be both. Play with the different sliders until you find a nice result.


Under the heading Liquify you really see that Adobe has not just built an editing tool, but really puts a Photoshop-based app on the market. The terms twist, Enlarge and twirl very reminiscent of the Liquify options you have in Photoshop. They also work exactly the same, although the result can be somewhat disappointing due to the loss of quality.

Retouch and Color

The other tabs make room for more editing functions that we know from Photoshop. You can make a tree pop extra green, or give it an extra touch of saturation. You can blur the backgrounds to make portraits stand out better, or add a vignette to take the sharp edges off the photo. Replacing colors is also possible.

Conclusion: Photoshop Fix is ​​the ideal photo app

Photoshop Fix is ​​the long-awaited brother of the version that has been on iOS for much longer. The app takes a few important functions from the PC version and implements them nicely in your smartphone or tablet. Of course, the possibilities are not as extensive as the full version of Photoshop, but Adobe has handled the transfer just fine.

It's a shame that RAW files aren't supported, which some free editing apps do. The loss of quality when saving jpg files is an insurmountable problem if you just want to adjust a few things before you put the photo on Facebook or Instagram. Speaking of which, many of these options can also be accomplished with a filter on Instagram or another editing app. The fact that you have to do it yourself with Photoshop Fix ensures that you have just that little bit more options - and that makes it just that little bit more fun.

Adobe Photoshop Fix is ​​free to download for Android and iOS. You do need a (also free) Adobe account.

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