Always access to your PC - This is how you log in at home with TeamViewer

You always have your affairs in order, but just that one day when you need that one document, you forgot to print it at home and there is no one who can access your computer. Then TeamViewer is a wonderful tool. But what if there is no one on the other end to accept the connection?

to install

Of course it wouldn't be good if everyone with TeamViewer could just access your computer. For this reason, TeamViewer was originally set up in such a way that the remote computer made contact via the program with the target computer (of course also with TeamViewer on it), after which a secret code had to be entered. That's how the program still works, but there's a smarter option these days. You still need to have TeamViewer installed. TeamViewer can be downloaded free of charge from Also read: Safe surfing via a VPN service.

create Account

To be able to log in anytime and anywhere on a computer on which TeamViewer is installed, you need to create an account. click on I don't have a TeamViewer account yet and fill in the information requested from you. Once logged in, click on the top right Add / Add Computer / Add Existing Device. Now start TeamViewer on your computer and copy the ID to the field TeamViewer ID on the website. Give the computer a name Alias, enter a password and click Add Computer. The computer is now linked to your TeamViewer account. Then click in TeamViewer on the pencil next to the field Use your personal password. Enter a password to ensure that TeamViewer can always grant access to your computer.

To connect

You are now done on this computer. All you have to do is make sure this computer stays on (because you can't connect with a computer that's off). If you now unexpectedly need to connect to this computer, install TeamViewer on the computer you are currently on. Log in with the account you created on the website and your computer will be found automatically, after which you can connect and 'take over' the computer.

Smartphone app

TeamViewer is not only available on PCs and laptops, there is also a smartphone app. Ideal for when you're on the go and need a file, or just want to do something before you get to work. The app is available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone and has many functions that can also be found in the desktop version. This way you can view documents and programs or manage servers. Just like the desktop version, the apps are free and very easy to use. If you are on the road a lot, the TeamViewer app is an ideal solution.

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