5 best launchers for android

The way you prefer to organize and organize your phone can be very personal. Every phone comes with its own launcher, but if it doesn't meet your needs, you can download your own launcher. These are the 5 best launchers for Android.

What are launchers?

There are a lot of different Android phones being made. All these Android devices come with their own interface and home screen. The launcher associated with this interface determines the way your apps are organized and how the interaction with your phone looks.

A third party launcher can help design your phone to suit your taste and needs.

Do you have an Android device from Huawei? Then you have to dive deeper into the settings to use an alternative launcher.

Evie Launcher

Evie is a well-arranged launcher without too much fuss. Once you install the launcher, your apps will be listed in alphabetical order. With a swipe up you get access to this list. So you no longer have to browse endlessly looking for that one specific app. In addition, Evie Launcher offers a search bar that allows you to search system-wide for apps, contacts or images.

You adjust the settings of Evie by holding down your home screen and then adjusting your settings under settings. Here you can arrange various parts to your own taste, such as the grid of your home screen, gestures with which you want to control your phone and in which form you want to see your app drawer designed.

These adjustments are fairly basic and therefore ideal for when you only want to change some small things.

Smart Launcher 5

Smart Launcher 5 is a launcher that can make quite a drastic difference to your interface. This launcher is especially recommended for widget fans. Smart Launcher 5 offers the possibility to place your widgets without having to stick to the grid of your home screen (you can read how to install widgets here).

Smart Launcher 5 categorizes your apps by subject, for example communication, internet, games or media. With the paid version of this launcher you can set these categories yourself. Frequently used apps are displayed in a row or circle on your home screen. You can adjust how the icons of your apps are displayed under the settings and then 'app page'.

Action Launcher

Action Launcher gives you endless possibilities to customize everything to your liking. The app drawer can be opened with a swipe from left to right. This is arranged in alphabetical order but if you want you can change this classification. With a swipe up you also open the app drawer, and you can easily access the desired app in the search bar.

If you really want to get creative with Action Launcher, then you should consider purchasing the paid version of the launcher. It allows you to match the colors of your theme, dock, icon backgrounds and other things to your background. Because you can customize so many things, it may sometimes take a little longer before your home screen is loaded again, depending on the condition of your phone.

Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher is also a launcher that is recommended if you like to take matters into your own hands. You can give the dock menu, your home screen grid, appdraw and icon backgrounds a desired color and shape.

Add as many pages as you want and adjust your grids so that all your desired apps and widgets fit side by side. You can even set certain widgets to overlap, if that's more convenient for you.

If you like to control your phone with gestures, you will have to purchase the premium version of Nova. Once you've done this, you can configure which actions are associated with a swipe up, down, double tap, pinch, or swipe gestures.

In this article about Nova Launcher we explain all the functions in detail.

Total Launcher

'Extreme Customization' is Total Launcher's slogan and they don't lie about it. In your home screen you are not limited by grids or place but you can add layers wherever you want to your home screen. You can stack apps on your home screen and design them in whatever form you like.

Of course, the colors and icons are also customizable, but for some of these things you need the 'key', the so-called premium version.

The useful thing about Total Launcher is that, unlike the other launchers, it gives tips as soon as you activate the launcher. This way you can easily see the completeness of the possibilities without getting yourself stressed about unclear functions.

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