How do I print my Instagram photos?

Yes. It's also nice to keep printing photos every now and then, just for fun. Before you know it, nice snapshots end up in the lost “Finding out 2012” folder on a backup external hard disk. They have a nice, but not cheap solution at Printagreat.

The problem with the average online photo farmer when you want to print your Instagram photos is that they automatically crop to standard size. You can also go to HEMA for 10x10 photo books, but that is less fancy than Printagreat; a Dutch company run by a few students who were bored.

1 Getting started with Printagreat

Anyone who visits the site as an existing Instagram user will feel welcome: the appearance of the Printagreat website has quite a few similarities in terms of atmosphere with that of Instagram. The site is also very accessible. In a few handy steps you have ordered a set of individual photos with 10 or 20 Instagram photos in 5 minutes, which you can select by easily linking your account to Printagreat. On the site you can read:

“Easy and fast printing of your favorite Instagram photos. That's what we stand for. Great prints, free shipping & fast delivery. Turn your most beautiful Instagram photos into tangible memories. snap. print. great.”

When I look at my own collection, it is mainly family photos that I take with Instagram. So the set of individual photos might become a nice gift for one or the other family member.

First, link your Instagram account by giving Printagreat access. If you're going to build your own collection, you can choose from your Instagram account's existing photo stream. You can choose a set with 10 photos or one with 20 photos. Compiling the photos for printing is a breeze and very intuitive.

In the third step you have to enter your address and choose how you want to pay. Printagreat offers the possibility to pay with iDeal, Mistercash, Direct-Ebanking/Sofort banking and Paypal. Paying by credit card is an option within the Paypal module.

And then you're done. You pay no shipping costs, the photos are printed on matte glossy photo paper and the people behind Printagreat emphasize that you can expect your order within one or two days.


The site looks good, it's child's play to select your photos, change your selection and the processing of your order is also perfectly fine. I think the price is a bit on the high side: if you see what you get at HEMA for the same money, you wouldn't predict Printagreat for a very long future. Only: the user-friendliness of compiling on the HEMA website is so bad that it could very well be that Printagreat will make it completely on this.

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