Customize Appearance in New Gmail

Google is slowly but surely rolling out a new look for Gmail. A big change, but as a Gmail user you will have to get used to it, because soon the layout will be final for everyone. Still, you have some influence on how Gmail looks to you.

In the new layout, Google has tried to minimize things by bundling certain options under one button. In the meantime, efforts have also been made to give the site more air by adding a little more white space between toolbars, options and even individual mail messages. That does indeed give more air, but it also takes a lot of getting used to. Fortunately, this is the part you can customize. At the top right you will see an icon with a gear. If you click on this, you can choose very spacious, Ample and Compact, the latter option most closely resembling old-style Gmail. You can easily switch between these views and discover what works best for you.

You can easily switch between the Very Spacious, Spacious and Compact view.

The second way you can customize the look is through themes. Now that in itself is not new, but Google has removed a number of themes and added quite a few new ones. You can find it by clicking the gear icon and then Themes. By clicking on a theme you activate this theme. By clicking on the theme light, return to the default Gmail theme. At the bottom right of each theme, you will see certain properties. A dark corner means it is a dark color scheme, a white corner is a light color scheme. You will also see certain icons that indicate whether the theme changes based on your location, the weather, or the day of the week (so the themes with such a corner are dynamic).

Google has added some new themes. Some change based on certain data.

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