Speccy 1.03.162

In Windows, you can find quite a bit of information about the hardware built into your computer. But this information is not really comprehensive and easily accessible. If you want to know everything about what's in your computer, the small and free Speccy is a godsend.

Speccy is really curious and wants to know everything. When you start the program for the first time after installing it, it will start analyzing your computer. The program does this with verve and all information that Speccy can find is quickly collected and displayed in a logical structure. At Summary you get a summary of the most important items. And if you click on the different categories on the left, you will get more extensive information. For example, at Operating System you can see which version of Windows you are using, including the exact date and time of installation and the serial number. Furthermore, Speccy knows how to report all kinds of useful information for just about every piece of hardware in your computer. This way you can see the temperature of the processor, even down to core level.

Speccy gives you a lot of comprehensive information about your computer.

You can make so-called 'snapshots', which is especially important for real tweakers to be able to compare different configurations. You can also export the data to an XML or text file, or make a printout.

Speccy doesn't do much more, but all in all it is a handy and compact program to quickly view all information about your system. And if, for example, you want to add extra memory to your computer, you can use Speccy to see how many free slots your computer has left. And if you want to sell your PC, Speccy makes it easy to create a complete list of specifications.

You can even view the temperature of the processor cores.

Speccy 1.03.162


Language English

Download 1.2MB

OS Windows XP/Vista/7

System requirements Unknown

maker piriform

Judgment 9/10




Provides a lot of information


Not Dutch speaking


None of the approximately 40 virus scanners saw anything suspicious in the installation file. To the best of our knowledge at the time of publication, the installation file is safe to download. See the full VirusTotal.com detection report for more details. If a new version of the software is now available, you can always rescan the file yourself via VirusTotal.com.

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