Navigate with Google Maps

Google Maps is almost standard on every Android smartphone. And it is also usually installed quickly on the iPhone. And that has its reasons, because you can navigate with it, for example.

Google Maps is an extremely handy app to always have at hand. It always contains recent map material and is packed with POIs. Ofel: Points Of Interests. You can quickly find a nice restaurant in your area, a tourist attraction or a campsite. And many, many other things. The standard map view is clear; if you want it, a satellite view is also available. To do this, tap the layer symbol in the app and then the option Satellite to choose. Hikers can also opt for this option Terrain to go. Furthermore, it is possible to select the option Traffic so that you are not surprised by unwanted congestion and traffic jams. The option public transport shows all public transport lines on the map. Unfortunately, both options cannot be turned on at the same time. Finally, there is the option Bicycles, where you get to see all bike paths.


And that brings us to the next strong point of the Google Maps app: you can navigate with it. And not only in the car, but also for cycling, walking and even public transport. It is good to keep in mind that Google Maps can also work offline if desired. That saves data traffic and associated costs, but also that you end up without a connection and therefore a card somewhere in the wild nature. To download a map (part) before your departure, tap the button with the three lines at the top left of the screen. Then, in the opened menu, tap Offline Maps. Unfortunately, these days you must have a Google account to use this option. In short: just log in with your Google account details. Pay attention to the warning that appears - at least in iOS: your data between app and site will be shared after this action. Tap on Get on and then either on Local either on Custom Map. In the first case, a card part of your environment is downloaded, in the latter case you choose a card part yourself. A card remains valid for 29 days, after which the case must be provided with an update. In principle, this happens automatically, but that behavior can be adjusted as desired via the settings. if you no longer need the card, tap remove in the list of downloaded maps. If you don't feel like Google is always peeking along, tap your account at the bottom left of the screen and choose the option in the opened panel Using maps without an account. From that moment on you will also lose your offline maps and their management.


Navigating with Google Maps is easy. Tap your destination in the search field at the top of the screen. You will now see this location on the map. To navigate there, tap Route. Now it's fun, because you can choose - at the top of the screen - from four means of transport: car, public transport, walk or bicycle. Choose your asset, then tap Start. You will now be guided - neatly guided by spoken instructions - to your goal. Another advantage of Google Maps is that you can also search for more broadly defined goals in terms of final destination, such as a swimming pool, museum or amusement park.

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