Wise Folder Hider - Not everything has to be public

When someone has access to the account on your PC, he or she can basically see all the files that you have access to. That is not always desirable, sometimes there are things that you prefer to keep behind closed doors, such as tax documents, your bookkeeping, personal letters and so on. Wise Folder Hider offers a solution.

Wise Folder Hider


For free






www.wisecleaner.com 10 Score 100

  • Pros
  • Does what it's supposed to do
  • Integration in Explorer context menu
  • Easy in use
  • Negatives
  • No password recovery option

What if you don't feel like creating an extra account on your computer, but you also don't want everyone to see your files? Then it is good to know that there is a possibility to hide your files. Wise Folder Hider helps you with this.

Out of sight

The principle behind Wise Folder Hider is simple. When you log in to the program, you will immediately be asked to create a password. After that, the program will start and you can specify which files and folders you want to hide – you can navigate there or drag the files into the program. Files you hide will disappear immediately. Only if you make them visible again in the program, they will also appear again in Windows Explorer. While the files are hidden, you can just access them through the interface of Wise Folder Hider. The file then gets the status Visible, but as soon as you close the program the file will be made invisible again. This way you will not be bothered by the hidden files yourself.

Which usb?

The program works very discreetly. Once you've made invisible the files you wanted to make invisible, you can close the program. So no one sees that software is running with which you hide your files and there is therefore no reason to go fishing for passwords. The option to hide a complete USB drive in addition to files, completes the program as far as we're concerned.

The program also offers support for encryption for a fee, but we're not quite ready for that yet because there doesn't seem to be a possibility to recover your password.


Wise Folder Hider works flawlessly and protects your files from snoopers. It does this in a way that does not make working with the files (much) more complicated for you.

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