Misfit Ray - Activity tracker disguised as jewelry

The Misfit Ray is a bracelet that keeps track of your sporting activities. Now that is not so unique. But the wearable stands out because it looks more like a bracelet than an activity tracker.

Misfit Ray


€94.27 (plastic strap), €113.13 (leather strap)


Black, Pink, Blue, Green, Silver, Gold

Operating system

Android, iOS


393 button cell (3x)




1.2 x 3.8 cm


8 grams


www.misfit.com 8 Score 80

  • Pros
  • Design
  • Battery life
  • Clear app
  • Also suitable for swimmers
  • Negatives
  • strap closure
  • Sync takes a very long time

The Misfit Ray does not have a heart rate monitor and therefore does not have to be in constant contact with your skin. This means that the designers have been able to design the wearable in such a way that it does not necessarily have to be worn on your wrist. It can also be worn less visible around your ankle or as a necklace, or attached to your clothing. Also read: Wearables, what exactly are they?

The Ray comes in multiple colors and has two different straps: one leather and one plastic. The straps are attached to a cylindrical center piece, in which the electronics are incorporated. I was given the variant with the plastic strap to test. Unfortunately, the plastic strap looks and feels quite cheap and the closure via a push button is not ideal, when it comes loose you lose your Ray.


The electronics are therefore located in the cylindrical part. A subtle LED light can flash in different colors to let you know that there is a notification on your connected smartphone, there is also a vibrating motor that lets you know, for example, that you have been sitting still for too long or when there is a call on your smart phone.

When you loosen the strap of the cylinder, you can place three flat batteries (393 button cell). That's pretty special. Most wearables run on a rechargeable battery, often with a clumsy charger. Not the Misfit Ray. According to Misfit, you can use the batteries for six months. But of course we were not able to verify this in our test period. But it is very nice not to have to worry about the battery every few days.


Enough about the looks. After all, it is the functionality that really counts. The Misfit Ray can measure activities like your steps, bike rides and even swimming. The data is transparent in the app. Most activity trackers, such as FitBit or Samsung, weigh heavily on a step goal of 10,000. At Misfit you earn points. You earn this by being active and moving enough. The goal is to earn 1,000 points per day. Points are awarded based on calories burned, activity duration, and activity type.

The Misfit Ray is also able to do a sleep analysis. It also appears in the app, in a sort of daily timeline next to your activities. It shows how often (and for how long) you have been awake, slept lightly or were in deep sleep. The sleep measurements and activity recognition are done automatically. When you start the app, the data is automatically synced and displayed. This process just takes a really long time. Where you used to be able to make a cup of coffee after you had pressed the power button on your PC, in 2016 you can make and drink a protein shake when you sync the app and bracelet.

The app is also beautifully designed and well-arranged. In addition, you can set the bracelet to vibrate with notifications from self-determined apps or as an alarm clock in the morning. Optionally, you can also link the data to IFTTT, Google Fit, Apple Healthkit or other sports apps. Pairing the Misfit Link app will give your wearable even more useful features. For example to control your music, take a selfie or use a clicker for your presentation.


Are you an avid exerciser and want to accurately track your activities with GPS and heart rate measurement? Then look further. The Misfit Ray is a simple activity tracker disguised as jewelry. The big advantage is that you don't have to worry about charging and that the data is also shared with other sports apps. The Misfit Ray is a handy tool, especially if you intend to live a bit healthier.

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