Make texting and app more fun with your own keyboard in iOS

From iOS 8 you can change the default keyboard on your iPhone or iPad, so you are no longer stuck with the (fine!) keyboard that Apple puts on its devices by default. Here we show you how to upgrade your iPhone or iPad with a new iOS keyboard.

You can install an alternative keyboard on your iPhone or iPad if you wish. That means you can use a third-party keyboard that has different capabilities and emoji than the standard iOS keyboard. For example, there are keyboards that allow you to swipe the keys instead of typing, where the keyboard can guess which word you want to type. Also read: 4 useful tips for your iPhone keyboard.

Changing the iOS keyboard

Download an alternative keyboard of your choice. Open the downloaded app and follow the instructions provided in the app.

Navigate to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add Keyboard. Choose under the option Third Party Keyboards the keyboard you just downloaded. Then the keyboard is added to the list of available keyboards. In this list, press the appropriate keyboard and select Give full access to activate the keyboard.

Using more than one keyboard

You can now use the keyboard in addition to the standard keyboard, but you can also use it instead, so that you only have the new keyboard. If you use more than one keyboard, you can switch between different keyboards by pressing the globe icon. Long press the icon to quickly switch keyboards.

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