Before emailing or sharing photos on social media, it's a good idea to resize them. If you are dealing with a lot of images, then you use a program that shrinks the entire collection in the same way with one mouse click, preferably without loss of quality.
Step 1: Installation
Romeo PhotoResizer is a free program. To install the program, your PC must be equipped with certain Microsoft software, namely .NET Framework. This system component ensures that different programming languages can communicate with each other. The Romeo PhotoResizer installer will automatically detect if this component is not on your PC, and in that case will even abort the installation procedure. Get .NET Framework here and continue the installation.
PhotoResizer is a typical batch program. Batch means that the program will run the same command on a lot of files. You determine the settings for a whole series of photos at once and the program will apply these edits to all selected photos. Not only does a batch save you a lot of tedious work, it also ensures that all scaled files have the same dimensions. After all, if you have to manually reduce 101 photos, you quickly make a mistake in the settings.
Step 2: Add Photos
The program works very simply. We will first go through the different settings with you, so that you can resize all your photos in one go in the way you want.
Drag the images you want to shrink into the tool's window. The program can handle different file formats: jpg, png, tiff or bmp. You can also drop files of different formats into the same work window. Each file appears in a list with the thumbnail photo, file name, file format, size, resolution, creation date, name of the program you used to edit the photos, and the location. If you have been a little too diligent, you can uncheck the box in this window for the photos that should not be scaled. At the top left there is a button in the shape of a curved arrow, that is the button Reset, to clear the list.
Step 3: Dimensions
If you have the final photo frame, indicate at the top of the screen how you want to scale the photos. In any case, make sure that the option Keep Aspect Ratio is checked. This will keep each photo in its original aspect ratio. Do you go for the setting relative then all images will be smaller or larger according to the percentage entered. In the option absolute you can enter a value for longest side, shortest side, width or height of the photos. In the column New Dimensions read the new dimensions with each photo. In the options, the setting Auto Rotation that the photos are all right side up.
Step 4: Metadata and Color Profiles
Click the button with the three lines at the top right to get to the output settings. Depending on the file format of the added images, you can fine-tune a few things. Often these are jpg files. Here you can, for example, indicate that you want to immediately delete the color profiles and the metadata or EXIF data during processing. After all, the camera's setting includes the option to include the color profile of the photos in the file.
If you have edited the photos in a program such as Photoshop, that program also adds the color profile of the screen to the file. The PC's color management system then knows what colors looked like in front of the lens or on the monitor. In addition, there are the metadata. These reveal the type of camera, the focal length, the exposure settings and sometimes information about the author and the geolocation where the shot was taken. If you want to publish photos on the web without disclosing all this info, check the options Remove MetaData and Remove Color Profile at.
Extra profit
Photo files get smaller as she strips you of color profiles and metadata. Our original 4.77 megabyte photo became just 95 kilobytes when we resized it to 1000 by 699 pixels with 50% compression and preserving metadata and color profiles. If we also remove the metadata and color profiles, we end up with a file of only 52 kilobytes. In this case, we thus achieve almost 50% space saving. If the output files are larger or if the compression is higher than 50%, the percentage space gain by this intervention will be smaller.